Check the sidebar for our book signing schedule; subject to change based on print availability. As of now, Chris will be at two Hastings locations in the Boise area in December:
Hastings @ Cole and Fairview:
Dec 17, from 6-8 PM
Hastings @ Meridian:
Dec 18, 3-5 PM
Joey Zavaleta, our illustrator, may make an appearance at these events! Stay tuned.
We're currently having a trial run for our coloring contest, which will be broken down by age groups:
2-5, 6-9, 10-13, 14-18, GROWNUPS (you know who you are).
We'll post up some downloadable pdfs for you to print out in order to enter the contest, or you can stop by a book signing to pick one up.
It's simple: color in your sheet, scan it, and email it back to us. Whoever produces the best Jammy Adventure in their age bracket wins that month, and their artwork will be featured on the Web site, plus you'll enter a drawing to win a free book. There will be plenty of chances to win, because we're having a new contest each month.
Check back here for details, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest, and as always, remember that bad guys never win!