Sunday, July 31, 2011
Well, it finally happened...
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Raising Boys

What is it about boys? I would argue that it takes a special kind of tenacity (read insanity) to raise them, if I knew it would be satisfactorily profound, which it’s not. Everybody’s like, “duh.” Boys are “easy” to raise, though, or so I’ve heard some say.
Now I don’t have any girls, so of course I can’t compare and contrast what it would be like against boys. But what I can compare is how life used to be before I had these little savage warriors tearing around my 900 square foot house versus now.
Can I say it this way? There used to be peace. It used to be boring. Not so anymore.
Now there’s slapping, hitting, pinching, fighting, wrestling, hitting with play weapons, hitting with blunt objects, stunt jumping for sport, stunt jumping with malicious intent, stunt jumping to produce injury upon sibling to greater effect, and so on. It’s chaos.
There’s laundry everywhere. How should I know if it’s clean or dirty? It’s just everywhere, that’s all. Random Legos poke up out of the carpet only at the precise moment when a coincidentally bare foot is most likely to impact the jagged edge of them with the most pressure, pounds per square inch. And spaghetti sauce is not meant to be eaten, dear father, it’s meant to be launched off my spoon, placed just-so against the edge of my plate and thwacked like a wee little medieval siege works. Silly daddy, catapults are for kids.
But at the end of the night, when we’ve looked back over all of it and picked out our favorite parts of the day—for instance, “dad, my favorite part of the day was tickles (a half hour marathon that ultimately required medication for yours truly)”—and we’ve said our prayers, life is good. The chaos is good. And I really wouldn’t want to go back to boring. That would suck.
Monday, May 16, 2011
We're going to be migrating soon

Hi, Jammy Adventurists!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Small Business and Faith

It's not easy to startup and run a small business, especially when the economy is so uncertain. I haven't been around long, but I've been around long enough to know that the outlook now is historically bleak.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Thanks, Jammy Adventurists
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Camp and Education Fair

Don't miss it! tomorrow from 11-5, come on down and check out C.P. White Media's booth at the Treasure Valley Family Magazine Camp and Education Fair. This year we've partnered with local startup Verge Rock, Meridian's only school of rock.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Rediscovered Books and the Demise of the Local Author
Friday, April 22, 2011

So we have this game we call smackerwackerfantastic. It’s the most amazingly awesomeness-packed activity. I dunno, I guess some weirdos call it “tetherball,” or something totally lame like that. Anyway, it’s awesome, because the object of the game is to get the ball entirely wrapped up around the pole in YOUR direction (not your oponent’s direction) while simultaneously either missing it when you try to hit it or taking one right in the pie hole. Kids are supposed to lose their teeth anyway, right?
I decided the other day to take the boys on a walk to the local public school. There’s a playground there, and I figure if nothing else, I can somehow exact my vengeance upon the tax code by at least using the facilities mischievously (my kids go to a school where they can learn about novel stuff like Biblical ethics). Imagine my hooliganesque delight when I stepped onto the property and discovered two completely unattended smackerwackerfantastic poles calling out to us. Oh snap. It’s on.
And we had tons of fun. You know, there’s a lot to be said for making time (instead of complaining that you just don’t have enough) to do something totally analog with your kids. Leave the smartphone at home, dads. And moms. Take your face out of the social drug dispensary for 30 minutes and enjoy your kids. You’d be surprised how awesome they are. I know I was refreshed by my little warriors—you know, all they really want is to be in your life. And one way or another, they’ll get your attention.
So we played a game that we invented a few years ago (actually while on a little retreat to Hawaii). We walked to and from, stretching the legs a little. And when we got home, wanna know what we did? We played chess! Me, my seven year old and my 2 year old. The best part was hearing my oldest say, “checkmate.” At least it was until I realized he was right.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Kid History
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Coloring Contest Correction
Monday, April 11, 2011
Pajamas Day and Story Time
Friday, April 8, 2011
Free Books!

Pick up your entry forms now: there are three age brackets (sorry grownups, they're all for kids) at Maui Wowi Coffee in Meridian. Click here for a map. This is a coloring contest, featuring one of the illustrations from our new book. Each age bracket's winner (i.e. best Jammy Adventurist) will receive a signed copy of The Great Jammy Adventure of the Flying Cowboy, absolutely gratis. That means "free books".
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Book Signing and Sale
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Kids, Hot Chocolate, and Public Places
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Nice Folks in Portland

Hey Jammy Adventurists, the Portland Saturday Market is the thing to see. We met and talked with lots of unique individuals as we strolled along there yesterday. We also met the purveyors of Bella Mi Soap; the most amazing fragrances and product presentation I have personally ever experienced. You've got to check out their Facebook page and see what they've got on offer.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Blogtalk Radio Appearance, Take 2
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Big News!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Blogtalk Radio Appearance

This Thursday at 8AM local (10 eastern), I'll be a guest of Giovanni Gelati for an hourlong interview about my book, how we did it, and some of my opinions on all kinds of inane babble. You should check it out, if for nothing else than the entertainment value of a writer trying to speak in coherent sentences. If you want a writer to feel utterly exposed, just take away his ability to backspace and/or delete.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Thank you!
Jammy Adventurists, thank you so very much for coming out to show your support for our first book signing. Joey Zavaleta, the illustrator, was there signing books with me, which was a total blast. We connected with lots of kids and parents, gave out some crayons, and sold about 30 books. All in all, a respectable turnout. This is something that I believe will grow larger and more special over time, as so many parents and kids who have never met me or Joey before expressed their excitement and delight at our unique concept: the OK-to-color-in picture book.
Sunday, March 13, 2011

We're scheduled for the first Jammy book signing! Mark your calendars for March 19th (next Saturday). From 10 AM to 2 PM, I'll be signing and selling personalized copies of the Great Jammy Adventure of the Flying Cowboy. Just Kid'n Around in Meridian has been kind enough to allow us to set up in the cafe area for this very special event. Come on out and buy a book or two, and bring the kiddos too, because Just Kid'n Around is a great place to play for kids of all ages. Here's the address:
Friday, March 11, 2011
Book Signing/Release Party
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Print Update
Thursday, January 27, 2011
We're down to the wire! (again)
Why just this morning I was looking over the final layout pdf. We've had some problems with colors, illustration formatting, fonts, layout, manuscript (kids' books have MANUSCRIPTS?!), cover, copyright page, and probably my cantankerous nature, but now almost all of those problems have been solved (I'll never stop being cantankerous; ask my long-suffering wife). We are rounding the final turn and the final stretch is in sight.
So hang in there, folks. Probably in 2-4 weeks, this baby's gonna be going to print.